Protecting the LGBTQIA+ Community

Dr. Jennifer Tran for Congress CA-12 on the Issues

What’s the challenge:

In recent years, the LGBTQIA+ community has been under renewed attack by the forces of political extremism and violence. Queer Americans, especially young people of color, are disproportionately subject to economic hardship and homelessness, discrimination, and physical harm. An attack on one of us needs to be seen as an attack on us all.

What our community deserves:

  • Protection for at-risk LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities in the East Bay.
  • National legislation to end discrimination and violence against LGBTQIA+ Americans.
  • A reinvestment in human rights and freedoms so that the United States can fulfill its potential as a model for the world.

Dr Tran’s Plan for Protecting LGBTQIA+

Strengthen Anti-Discrimination Legislation

…to truly protect all Americans from bias based on sex, sexuality, and gender identity.

Mandate Federal Action

…to end violence against the LGBTQIA+ community, especially transgendered people of color.

Protect LGBTQIA+ Youth

…by mandating inclusive public school curricula, K-12 mental-health resourcing and anti-bullying policies, and programming to eliminate youth homelessness.

How has Dr. Tran served here before?

  • Professional Experience
    I have a PhD in Ethnic Studies and as a Professor at CalState East Bay I teach courses in gender and sexuality where I work to serve my students with the tools to navigate challenges related to their identity
  • Community Leadership
    As a Board Member of the East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club, I work at a local level to support our LGBTQIA+ neighbors
  • Lived Experience
    I personally identify as a Queer AAPI woman, and this lived experience lets me understand our community needs, concerns, and fears

Protecting the LGBTQIA+ community:

Policy Details + Additional Resources

Strengthen anti-discrimination legislation to truly protect all Americans from bias based on sex, sexuality, and gender identity.

LGBTQIA+ people have the same simple desire as every other American: the fair and equal opportunity to pursue happiness. Discrimination against queer people, especially when compounded with other forms of bias against people of color, results in real, damaging, and long-term hardship. Every day, fellow Americans are prevented from access to banking, housing, basic retail services, and legal protection simply due to their sexuality and gender identity. My plan calls for sweeping federal legislation to end all forms of discrimination against queer people as part of my larger mission to end all forms of discrimination. Queer rights are human rights, and by protecting those most at risk we can stand up against the rising tide of hate and anti-democratic values this country has witnessed in recent years.

What informed our plan?

Mandate Federal action to end violence against the LGBTQIA+ community, especially transgendered people of color.

LGBTQIA+ people, especially transgender women of color, are at substantial risk of physical violence. Dozens of transgender and gender non-conforming people are killed every year in the United States, and hundreds more LGBTQIA+ Americans are subject to acts of physical and mental violence every day. Issues of violence are compounded by discriminatory healthcare, education, policing, and justice policies that push queer individuals to the margins. I will pursue federal legislation to formally protect the rights of transgender and gender non-forming Americans as well as legislation to end emotionally and physically violent medical practices such as conversion therapy.

What informed our plan?

Protect LGBTQIA+ youth by mandating inclusive public school curricula, K-12 mental-health resourcing and anti-bullying policies, and programming to eliminate youth homelessness.

Queer youth face overwhelming hurdles in pursuing their American Dream on an equal footing with their peers. As part of my broader education policies, I will work for specific regulations to protect LGBTQIA+ students. This means more robust anti-bullying legislation, increased funding for mental health resources, mandates for comprehensive health and sexual education curricula, and protections for the gender identities of children. My plan also prioritizes ending youth homelessness, an issue that particularly impacts LGBTQIA+ youth of color. This will require a wide range of policies including increased availability of affordable housing, training in cultural competency for service providers and shelter administrators, and support for public schools in identifying the causes and signs of homelessness and treating the mental and physical health needs of unhoused students.

What informed our plan?

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