Dr. Jennifer Tran for Congress: Policy Position

Immigration Policy

It’s 2024. The United States needs new immigration laws urgently. It’s time to recognize that the border concerns of both Democrats and Republicans are important.

We can have controlled borders AND humane treatment for asylum seekers.

The left wants humane borders and the right wants controlled, secure borders. These are both valid points, but yet the two sides scream at each other from across their aisle over these two immigration priorities.

By refusing to agree with one another or make common sense solutions that combine each other’s perspectives, Both Establishment Parties show us their true nature. They are entrenched in publicly fighting each other as an intentional distraction from their ineptitude to solve our nation’s problems.

Millions of people are fleeing their countries for a variety of reasons, but one thing that unites them all is that they’re eager to work and eager to work hard. We have a nation of crumbling infrastructures – whether it’s roads, bridges, power grids, water systems, waste management, telecommunications, mental health hospitals, etc. Our barrier to improving this infrastructure is cost.

With a sweeping infrastructure and immigration bill, we could fund the construction and improvement projects at a fraction of the cost if we create a worker residency program for immigrants. Similar to Americorps or the Peace Corps, we will create a service corps program of immigrants who will help their new country rebuild its critical infrastructure.

Construction unions would be utilized to train the immigrant workforce.

And after an individual’s 4 years of service, he or she would be eligible for full union membership.

Thus, instead of being opposed to the program because of the low-cost labor, trade unions would see the long term benefit of their strength and numbers growing considerably over time as well as paychecks in their pocket to train the new workforce.

On-site housing communities will provide a high quality of life with clean facilities and healthy food.

Human Rights extremists might claim that this program creates a caste system, but they would be wrong. The worker communities would be well-cared for with health clinics and community centers on-site and there is upward financial mobility built into this system in a mere 4-year time window. Immigrant families with children would be designated and housed in family units with bussing for local schools near work sites.

The ability to track and monitor these workers is also heavily built into this system. But since the incentive of an earned work visa is substantial for immigrant communities, tracking will not pose problems. And participants in good standing after their 10 years would be fast-tracked for green cards.

None of the politicians who make noise about this issue have real sustainable solutions to the problem.

But Dr. Tran does.

And it’s time for a new wave of leaders in Washington who want solutions more than divisiveness.

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